A collaged image. Three photos of Hilton making dramatic reaction faces are framed by an orange border. A screenshot from the film "Black Swan" is inset at the upper right, and white overlay text reads, "Watching 'Black Swan' for the First Time!"

Dancer Diary: Watching Black Swan for the First Time

In the video series Dancer Diary, Haley Hilton chronicles her life as a dancer in New York City. Here, Hilton watches the 2010 film Black Swan—a lightning rod for many dancers—for the first time. For more Dancer Diary videos, visit Dance Magazine’s YouTube channel.

Here's Everything We Know About the "Hamilton" Movie

Hamilfans, don’t throw away your shot: You, too, can be in the room where it happens—namely, your local movie theater—come October 15, 2021. A little more than six years after Hamilton opened on Broadway, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s trailblazing musical will make its way to cinemas, as announced yesterday. #Hamilfilm isn’t a Hollywood adaptation of the show, […]

Watch Ballerina Isabella Boylston Review 11 Famous Dance Scenes

There are few things we love more than big movie and TV dance scenes. Are they, generally speaking, accurate and flattering depictions of the IRL dance world? Well…no. But each one is an opportunity to bring a more mainstream audience inside this wonderful, HIGHLY specific universe we inhabit. And who better to break down some […]

The 30 Best Dance Movies of All Time, Ranked

Colder weather is (finally) here, which means it’s time for a good dance movie binge. But which iconic films should you put on? To narrow your search, we went ahead and ranked 30 of the greatest dance movies of all time. Of course, we know a list like this is bound to be controversial—so if […]

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