“Inside & Outwards”

In partnership with the New York City Metro branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and producer HunterPark, dance filmmaker Ezra Hurwitz created “Inside & Outwards” to bring awareness to the mental health challenges of isolation caused by the pandemic. Narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker, with original music by Sufjan Stevens and choreography by […]


This short film, by director William Armstrong, captures Paul Lightfoot‘s creation of a piece about losing his father to COVID-19. Unable to visit the hospital to say goodbye, Lightfoot choreographed the work to process his grief and reflect on the loss. Nederlands Dans Theater dancer Sebastian Kirstensen Haynes performs it to original music by Alexander […]

This Breathtaking Film Captures 38 African Dancers Performing Pina Bausch's Rite of Spring

Known as the “mother of contemporary African dance,” Senegalese-French dancer and choreographer Germaine Acogny first saw Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring performed by dancers of the Paris Opéra Ballet. Presented with the tale of human sacrifice and gender relationships, she couldn’t help but draw parallels between the ritualistic choreography and traditions from her African […]

These Two Festivals Are Looking For Your Best Insta-Worthy Dance Films

Who says you need fancy equipment to make a festival-worthy dance film? Right now, two New York City–based dance film festivals are calling for aspiring filmmakers to show their stuff—and you don’t need anything more cumbersome than a smartphone to get in on the action. Here’s everything you need to know about how to submit: […]

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