News of Note: What You Might Have Missed in August 2023
Here are the latest promotions, appointments, and departures, as well as notable awards and accomplishments, from August 2023.
Here are the latest promotions, appointments, and departures, as well as notable awards and accomplishments, from August 2023.
Every dancer has a dream role. For some, it’s one character they’ve dreamed of dancing, often from a young age. For others, it extends beyond the stage—a dream role can be less about portraying a specific part or dancing in a particular show and more about finding a career path that feels perfectly suited to them.
Tap dance is a form of dance once dominated by men. However, today it is dominated by women.
Missed the livestream? Get access to the 2021 Dance Magazine Awards on demand here. One of my favorite things about the Dance Magazine Awards has always been the sense of worlds colliding—the way luminaries from different corners of our industry who you’d likely never see sharing a stage or a program come together for this […]
Delayed debuts, triumphant returns, onstage reunions—there’s loads to celebrate across the December performance landscape. Here are five offerings we don’t want to miss. Way Back Wednesday NEW YORK CITYThe 1975 film Dog Day Afternoon dramatizes the events of a bank robbery gone wrong and the ensuing police standoff. One of the men attempting this robbery […]
This week we’re sharing tributes to all of the 2021 Dance Magazine Award honorees. For tickets to our hybrid ceremony taking place December 6, visit If you ask a tap dancer who their favorite hoofers are, it’s not likely they’ll omit Dormeshia. Her popularity even spreads by word of foot, so to speak: Some […]
Maybe even more than most industries, the dance field is obsessed with youth. We fawn over prodigies, we love to predict the next big thing. Yes, Dance Magazine itself is 100 percent guilty of this, with features like “25 to Watch” and On the Rise. But just because a performing career can be short doesn’t […]
Given the challenges of the past 18 months, the opportunity to celebrate the living legends of our field feels even sweeter than usual. Today, we are thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2021 Dance Magazine Awards. With the selection committee’s continued focus on diversity, we honor the artistry, the integrity and the resiliency that […]
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