Germaine Acogny stands upright, facing downstage with her arms lightly raised from her sides. Malou Airaudo faces Acogny, chin lowered to one of her shoulders, arms wrapping around Acogny's back. The stage behind them is lit a deep red.

Germaine Acogny, the “Mother of Contemporary African Dance,” Continues Her Conversation With Pina Bausch

The last pre-pandemic rehearsal in March 2020 for a production of Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring became a streaming video hit titled Dancing at Dusk, starring dancers from 14 African countries. This recast Rite finally premiered live last fall in four European cities, alongside common ground[s], a duet by and for Germaine Acogny and celebrated Bausch dancer Malou Airaudo.

This Breathtaking Film Captures 38 African Dancers Performing Pina Bausch's Rite of Spring

Known as the “mother of contemporary African dance,” Senegalese-French dancer and choreographer Germaine Acogny first saw Pina Bausch’s The Rite of Spring performed by dancers of the Paris Opéra Ballet. Presented with the tale of human sacrifice and gender relationships, she couldn’t help but draw parallels between the ritualistic choreography and traditions from her African […]

How Do You Find The Strength To Be Vulnerable Onstage?

In a sheer red slip—dirt-covered and exposed—the Chosen One frantically pleads with the community encircling her, wildly dancing until she at last succumbs to an inevitable death. Part of Pina Bausch’s haunting Rite of Spring, this solo is one of the most vulnerable in dance. “When I perform this role, there is no acting, my […]

Take Part in an Epic Pina Bausch Project

Ever dream of dancing Pina Bausch’s choreography? You’re in luck, because the Pina Bausch Foundation is inviting dancers and dance lovers across the world to take part in “The Nelken Line.” Bausch choreographed Nelken—which means “carnations” in English—in 1982. It’s the piece with hundreds of pink carnations scattered across the stage, where at one point, […]

NYC's Upcoming Season is Full of Powerful Women

Maybe it’s just by chance, but it seems like the upcoming lineup in New York City is designed to remind us of the women giants of our field. What a great welcome to the new season! • Twyla Tharp brings new and old work to the Joyce. She may be the most prolific living choreographer […]

8 Iconic Dance History Moments—As Told Through Lego Bricks

We’re not ashamed to admit it: The Dance Magazine staff is a big bunch of dance history nerds. But we also know that, sometimes, learning about our art form’s past via textbook can feel stale. That’s why we completely lost it (in a good way) when Seet Dance, a contemporary school in Sydney, Australia, contacted […]

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