a dancer's foot pointing down as they jump

Safety Tips for Winged and Sickled Feet

Beyond the delicately winged foot that goes in and out of favor in ballet’s arabesque, performers may be asked to wing and/or sickle their feet as part of choreography. While winging (toes pointed outward) and sickling (toes pointed inward) involve relatively small ranges of motion, to execute them safely requires proper strength and an understanding of the anatomy of the foot and ankle.

Experts Speak Out on Improving Dancer Safety at IADMS’ Conference

Every year, more than 500 medical practitioners and scientists dedicated to the support and care of dancers gather for the International Association of Dance Medicine & Science conference. As part of this year’s event held in Columbus, Ohio, Dance Media and Harlequin Floors sponsored a panel discussion with world-renowned experts on the biggest concerns they […]

When It's Time To Speak Up For Your Safety Onstage

Last month, Yann Arnaud, an aerialist with Cirque de Soleil, died after plummeting to the stage in VOLTA. He was performing an aerial straps routine in Tampa, Florida, when one of his hands slipped and he fell 20 feet. Professional dancers are often asked to perform stunts, some of them extremely dangerous. Even when the […]

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