Top Tips from the pages of Dance Magazine 2013

December 19, 2013

As a finale to 2013, the Dance Magazine editors chose our favorite pieces of advice from this year’s issues. 


“When I was working as a dancer I felt intimidated, or I felt that people would just know that I wanted to work for them by the fact that I took their class or I came to their show. I think that actually being explicit is helpful because choreographers are just as insecure as everyone else. It means a lot for me in terms of picking people that they want to be there and that they’re really interested in the work that I’m doing.


“Inviting me to a performance or writing a personal note, not just a mass email, is helpful. The other thing that is useful, if you don’t know the choreographer or don’t have any personal kind of connection, is if you know someone who does. If you have a friend who has contacts with that choreographer, just say, ‘Would you mind sending the note and recommending me?’ Basically the fewer degrees of separation the better.” —Choreographer Faye Driscoll on networking best practices. “Taking Charge,” February 2013.



What inspired you this year? Write to us at
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Photo of Faye Driscoll by Sophie Morner.