With All the Judson Stuff Going On, Let's Hear from Yvonne Rainer
The groundbreaking Judson Dance Theater is getting its due this fall with two series devoted to the 50th anniversary. At Danspace’s Platform 2012: Judson Now, we’ve seen Lucinda Childs, Steve Paxton, and are about to see David Gordon this coming weekend. At Movement Research’s Judson@50 series, we’ve seen various films, workshops, and talks at the New Museum and Anthology Film Archives.
And now it’s time for Yvonne Rainer to tell her side of the story. Along with fellow Judsonite Aileen Passloff (see our “Teacher’s Wisdom” on Passloff), she’ll talk about what really happened back then, next Sunday at 3 at The New Museum. (For a little wrap-up of Rainer, here’s my piece on her autobiography, Feelings Are Facts.)
Next Sunday will be a rare opp to hear her talk about those times, and it’ll be a great way to warm up for her concert at Danspace Nov. 1 – 3.
The Danspace Platform and Movement Research series both give us a chance to mull over what happened at Judson and how it continues to affect us. We usually think of Judson Dance Theater, 1962–64, as being the crucible of postmodern dance. It was that and more—but maybe in a more accidental way than we think.
Please come on Oct. 28 and ask some questions.