For #WorkoutWednesday, Let's All Appreciate Alex Wong's Crazy
Alex Wong
is a nut. In the absolute best way.
In every issue of Dance Magazine, we highlight how dancers work with the unique limits of their bodies to stay in shape and build the strength they need to perform at their best. Every dancer creates their own cross-training regimen that works for them. Some do weight lifting, some jump on trampolines, a lot do yoga and Gyrotonic. But I’ve never heard of anyone doing this:
How dancers do burpees 😝 #dance #fitness— Alex Wong (@Alex Wong)1464132122.0
Burpees are hard enough even when you’re just doing a simple two-legged squat jump off the ground. But adding in tour en l’airs, entrechat six and split leaps? Now that’s a serious dancer workout.
It doesn’t surprise us in the least that this is something Alex Wong is doing at the gym. This guy will whip out a split leap any chance he gets. He seems to be in the air more often than he’s on the ground—even when he’s in public.
Just one of the many reasons why we love him.