Alex Wong jumping in a straddle position in the middle of a busy New York street

Alex Wong Shares His Asian Chili Cucumber Salad Recipe

Alex Wong developed his recipe for Asian cucumber salad after enjoying variations of the dish at different soup-dumpling restaurants. “It was always so expensive,”­ he says. “I was like, ‘I’m pretty sure this is just chili oil, and I can make my own.’ ” Wong—a former ballet dancer who now boasts a laundry list of commercial […]

What It Takes to Launch a Successful Influencer Business

Pandemic or not, Alison Stroming has been booking job after job—and she has her social media to thank. “Every job I’ve booked in quarantine has happened because someone DMed me or sent me an email saying, ‘We found you on Insta or TikTok,’ ” she says. Stroming, who started amassing her social media following while […]

These Dancers Prove There's No One Right Way to Do Social Media

When Instagram launched in 2010, few would have predicted it would become the identity-defining, I-can-make-a-living-off-this-thing behemoth that it is today. For dancers in particular, Instagram comes with a host of possibilities. Three dancers share how they translate double taps into career advancements—while thousands of people follow along. Alice Klock Alice Klock on Instagram: “Travel day […]

Forget Being Normal. We Love #HowDancersDoThings

Let’s face it. Dancers just do things differently. We can never walk down a grocery aisle—we have to tap. We can never simply pick something up we’ve dropped—without going into a penché. But it’s not a bad thing. We love all the ways that dance bleeds into our daily lives. Turns out the pros aren’t […]

Forget Being Normal. We Love #HowDancersDoThings

Let’s face it. Dancers just do things differently. We can never walk down a grocery aisle—we have to tap. We can never simply pick something up we’ve dropped—without going into a penché. But it’s not a bad thing. We love all the ways that dance bleeds into our daily lives. Turns out the pros aren’t […]

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