Choreography Grants and Fellowships
Looking for funding for your choreography? Start your search here. If you know of additional opportunities for choreographers, please email information to Lauren Wingenroth at [email protected].
Arkansas Arts Council
Little Rock, AR
BalletX Choreographic Fellowship
Philadelphia, PA
215-893-9456 x128
Space Grant and Artist in Residency Programs
BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange
Brooklyn, NY
The Virginia B. Toulmin Fellowship for Women Choreographers
Center for Ballet and the Arts at NYU
New York, NY
Choo-San Goh Awards for Choreography
Choo-San Goh and H. Robert Magee Foundation
Long Beach, CA
Janek Schergen: 562.621.1757
Gibney Dance
New York, NY
Gibney Dance provides 6 artists with 50 hours of free space to develop new work and a $1,000 stipend to enhance their creative process. In exchange, the participating artists will give back by designing and implementing a special project that will serve the dance or social services communities.
The Joffrey’s Choreographers of Color Awards
The Joffrey Academy of Dance
Chicago, IL
Millennium Stage Local Dance Commissioning Project
Kennedy Center
Washington, DC
CHIME: Choreographers in Mentorship Exchange
Margaret Jenkins Dance Lab
San Francisco, CA
New York Choreographic Institute Fellowship Initiative
New York City Ballet
New York, NY
NYFA Artists’ Fellowship
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY
McKnight Artist Fellowship for Choreographers
Northrop Theater
Minneapolis, MN
Princess Grace Choreography Fellowship
Princess Grace Foundation-USA
New York, NY
Summer Stages Choreographers’ Project Fellowship
Summer Stages Dance at Concord Academy
Concord, MA
Tanya Liedtke Fellowship
Tanya Liedtke Foundation
Frankfurt, Germany
Contact: Shane Carroll, [email protected]
Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in the Arts
The Vilcek Foundation
New York, NY
Vitacca Community Project Choreographic Fellowship
Vitacca Productions & Company
Houston, TX