Beach Reads: 4 Recently Released Novels Set in the Dance World
There’s no shortage of dance-based nonfiction on seemingly endless topics, but fiction shelves have seen a recent influx of stories set in the studio and backstage.
There’s no shortage of dance-based nonfiction on seemingly endless topics, but fiction shelves have seen a recent influx of stories set in the studio and backstage.
The dominance of what I call the Broadway Body—the hyper-fit, muscular, tall, conventionally attractive, exceptionally able triple-threat performer (one highly skilled in acting, dancing, and singing)—became Broadway’s ideal body as the result of a confluence of aesthetic, economic, and sociocultural factors.
Having a lighter dance schedule these days means more time to dive into your dance history— including the broader social and political issues that have influenced dancemakers past and present. Katiti King, a faculty member at Barnard College and Gibney in New York City, shares her list of who and what to read and watch […]
For dancers, few things are as worrisome as the thought of a career-ending injury. But when that nightmare becomes a reality, how do you readjust to life without the part that made you whole? And what can you uncover in this fight to discover your new identity and place in the world? These questions and […]
As a contemporary dance critic and lover of the art form, I have spent countless hours in bars and restaurants after a performance at The Joyce or New York Live Arts trying to explain to befuddled friends the “meaning” of a particular piece. Some admit to being fascinated but ignorant; others find the movement vocabulary […]
For anyone who has devoted herself to a choreographer and still wonders what he/she thinks of her, For anyone who has been puzzled by Merce Cunningham and John Cage’s work, For anyone who loves the Cage/Cunningham work, For anyone who has ever seen Carolyn Brown dance, For anyone who separates modern from ballet, Cunningham from […]
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