The Problem With Self-Diagnosing a Food Intolerance

The story usually looks like this: You feel the pressure to get in shape before your upcoming intensive or an important performance. But you know that starting a diet will bring its fair share of critics. Then you see your favorite Instagram star tout the misguided benefits of a #glutenfree lifestyle and voilà! A self-diagnosed […]

Are Dancers at Greater Risk of Disordered Eating During the Shutdown?

As we spend more time at home and less in the studio, many aspects of our routine simply aren’t up to us. In the midst of COVID-19–related shutdowns, some dancers may be struggling with their relationship to food, whether they’re feeling guilty about stress eating or are developing dangerous disordered eating behaviors, such as restricting […]

The 5 Tools Every Dancer Should Have in Their Kitchen

Without jam-packed rehearsal schedules, we’re all cooking from home a little more these days. Which can be a great thing: Setting aside time to prep, cook and taste your meals increases your appreciation of food—which also helps to slow you down and regulate your portions. To enjoy the time you spend cooking, it helps to […]

Are These 4 Coffee Trends Worth Trying?

When you’re toggling between morning classes and late-night performances, coffee can become a dancer’s best friend. Fortunately, recent research has found multiple nutritional benefits to coffee, suggesting it’s helpful not only for that well-known energy boost, but also for lowering the risk of everything from type 2 diabetes to depression. What there’s not yet enough […]

Never Stop Dancing: A Decade-By-Decade Guide to Ensuring a Long Career

Throughout the dance field, artists are proving that early retirement is no longer an inevitability. “The myth that you have to stop dancing once you hit your 30s is pretty much gone,” says Julia Iafrate, founder of the Columbia Dance Medicine clinic in New York City. However, staying healthy requires consistency and hard work. Caring […]

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