How to Make Your Dancing Lighter and Breezier

Lightness is the famously elusive quality that can make a dancer seem to float on air. But as with all things dance, what looks like pure ease onstage takes an incredible amount of effort behind the scenes. “It’s the proverbial carrot that I dangle for my patients,” says Melissa Buffer, a Boston-area physical therapist who […]

Turn On A Dime: Use These Tips for Faster Directional Changes

There’s nothing more thrilling than watching a dancer who’s barreling through space suddenly change direction. But what might look effortless to the audience actually takes an immense amount of control and coordination. Regardless of the genre of dance, the importance of direc­tional changes is often overlooked in conversations about technique, written off as a mere […]

How to Use Breath to Enhance Your Movement

Breathing is so vital and automatic that it can often be the last thing on dancers’ minds. But aside from fueling your muscles and cells, a mindful breathing practice can bring dynamism and drama to your dancing. “Breathing, and not holding the breath in or out, creates a look of being alive that is noticeable […]

How Accessing Your Backspace Can Make You a More 3-D Dancer

Dancers, like all people, are naturally frontal beings. Yet they’re constantly being tasked with moving backwards, and asked to sense what’s behind them to keep from trampling set pieces or their colleagues. Learning to activate your backspace can not only help you become a more three-dimensional dancer, but can make you more confident and fearless […]

Learning to Speak Onstage Doesn't Have to Be Scary

When Elizabeth DeMent joined Big Dance Theater, she found herself dropped into a foreign realm where voicework was considered part and parcel of each production. A graduate of The Juilliard School with credits like the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, Liz Gerring Dance Company and Patrick Corbin, DeMent felt like a fish out of water in the […]

How to Infuse Intention and Artistry Into Your Hands

Despite being one of the most-used parts of the body in everyday life, the hands can often be an afterthought in dance. Your dexterous digits, so valuable for writing, driving, texting and general gesticulating, can become limp and lifeless without some mindfulness. Though the role of the hands, wrists and fingers varies depending on your […]

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